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Marketing toolkit, business advice and links for Swale tourism businesses

Swale's Shared Story Toolkit 

Swale Borough Council is committed to developing and supporting the visitor economy and, through working with the local industry, has produced the marketing toolkit as an aid for those involved in bringing visitors to our area.


Share your tourism business news and stories in the monthly Swale Visitor Economy Newsletter - email to sign up.

Swale itself contains three distinct destinations – Faversham, the Isle of Sheppey and Sittingbourne as well as their surrounding villages, countryside and coast – and each has its own story to tell.

Our strengths lie in our outstanding landscapes, our rich and varied heritage, festivals and events, food and drink, arts and creativity, and of course our people! These strengths make up our offer and are our greatest draw for visitors.

Visit Swale is a microsite hosted by our partners at Visit Kent Business, a great source of tourism business advice, news and guidance.

As a regional destination marketing organisation Visit Kent works closely with Visit Britain / Visit England on UK Inbound and domestic marketing of Kent's tourism offer.

Visit Britain also provides a Business Advice Hub which lists top resources as:

Visit Swale Team Webpage Articles - Share Your Good News Stories...

Whilst we do not publish external features on the Visit Swale website, the Visit Swale team welcomes Swale tourism business content for editorial consideration to inform and highlight in website copy it produces and publishes. The team’s aim is to raise awareness of the good news stories contributing to our successful local visitor economy.

Please send your news and stories for information to , items will also be considered for the monthly Swale Visitor Economy Newsletter.

Swale Borough Council's Economic Development Team and Swale Means Business also produce a monthly economic development e-bulletin with the latest news, events, funding and business opportunities for ALL businesses based in Swale.

To sign-up for the e-bulletin please email if you would like to subscribe to receive this newsletter by email. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please contact us using the same address.

The team welcome contributions from businesses and support organisations about funding opportunities and events. Please email the details to if you would like your story to be considered for inclusion in a future issue.

Insights - Swale Visitor Economy Data and Reports

This infographics below summarise the volume and value of tourism and the impact of visitor expenditure on the local economy in 2019 and again in 2020. The results are derived using the Cambridge Economic Impact Model under licence by Destination Research Ltd and commissioned by Visit Kent in partnership with Swale Borough Council

Download the full Swale Economic Impact of Tourism Report 2019

Download the full Swale Economic Impact of Tourism Report 2020


Organising an event in the Swale area, find out more about the event management process, event notification and road closure process on the Swale Borough Council website at

Additional Event Guidance - Organising a safe event, 3 steps to running an event safely - simple guide from Zurich Insurance (download pdf)

In order to successfully run an event, you’ll need to ensure that there’s a considered plan in place for managing health and safety. This should be documented and communicated to other organisers, volunteers and vendors involved in your event. This is necessary for all events whatever the size. The level of detail should be proportionate to the size of the event and the activities taking place. You have a duty of care to people working at or visiting your site.

1) Before the event: What information do you need to gather to enable you to plan the event?

2) During the event: What needs to be considered and maintained during the event?

3) After the event: What needs to be done after the event?

Read more by clicking the link on the image below

The official tourism website for the Swale area North Kent.