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The Cinque Ports - this unique federation of south east England Channel ports was the original force behind England's maritime power

The Cinque Ports - this unique federation of south east England Channel ports was the original force behind England's maritime power.

Long before the towns were formally recognised as the Cinque Ports, around the time of the Normal conquest in 1066, the five original 'head ports' of Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich were busy fishing and trading centres.

Today the Confederation (now consisting of the original five ports and two ancient towns, together with the surviving limbs of Deal, Faversham, Folkestone, Lydd, Margate, Ramsgate and Tenterden) still plays an active part in the ceremonial affairs of state.  Places of honour are reserved for the Cinque Port Barons at Westminster Abbey during the coronations.  The Lord Warden is still installed in office with great ceremony at Dover.

The Cinque Port of Faversham

The Mayoralty dates back to 1292 with Mayors listed in the Guildhall which was built in 1574.

The Guildhall just a few minutes' walk away from the tidal creek, which in the 16th century became the leading port for the export of English wool.

Faversham is the only town in the UK whose leopard coat of arms is linked to the Royal Arms of England.

In 1847 the World's first high explosives were manufactured in Faversham.

Did you know?

The town if home to Shepherd Neame, the UK's oldest brewery.

The Chart Gunpowder Mills made powder for Nelson at Trafalgar, and Wellington at Waterloo.

Traces of a ruined Abbey, the resting place of Queen Matilda and King Stephen and the Maison Dieu founded by Henry III, attest to Faversham's link to royalty.

For more on what to do and see in Faversham, contact the Visitor Information Centre on 01795 534542.

For more about all the Cinque Ports go to the dedicated website

The official tourism website for the Swale area North Kent.