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You searched for 'Things to do in Faversham'. We found 536 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

Dog Friendly Faversham Directory Snip

Faversham's Dog Friendly Directory

In Faversham, we are extremely lucky to have a fabulous selection of shops and businesses that will welcome your four-legged friend with open arms/paws.

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Faversham Pools - Past, Present and Future

This year, marks the 60th anniversary since the opening of the outdoor pool in Faversham, the story so far and celebratory plans.

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Gift Shopping in Faversham's Preston Street

Preston Street is effectively Faversham’s high street, boasting over 70 businesses offering a very wide range of shops and services.  In particular, Preston Street is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a gift or for accessories for you and your home.

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Faversham Town Council - Cultural Events 2024

Faversham Town Council is collaborating with the community and businesses to enable and deliver a series of events in the town for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike in 2024.

Town Walks Web Banner

Faversham Town Walks - Self Guided

These walks have been designed to give you a 'flavour of Faversham', the oldest market town in Kent.

The Faversham Mystery Treasure Trail

Turn a regular day out in Faversham into a full-blown adventure!

Stones Coffee Shop

Escape the rain with these cosy coffee shops

Whether you’re a fan of a no-fuss flat white, or a frothy cappuccino with chocolate on top, we’re lucky to have some of the best spots to enjoy a hot drink on a cold Winter’s morning.

Magnifying Glass Logo Infaversham

Local website helps you get to know Faversham and its businesses

The website about local businesses for people who love Faversham

Ben Crop

Farm Animal Experiences near Faversham

Experience a calm and peaceful space and enjoy the company of the friendliest mini animals

Oare Gunpowder Works

Embrace the Autumn weather with a stroll around Swale

From country parks to nature reserves, experience the wonders that Autumn has to offer and take a look at our top outdoor spaces in Swale.

The official tourism website for the Swale area North Kent.